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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 533
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Clusters in Nuclei, Vol.2Christian Beck Ed.
2012Atomic Processes in Basic and Applied PhysicsViacheslav Shevelko Ed.
2012Atmospheric Physics:Background—Methods—TrendsUlrich Schumann Ed.
2011The CBM Physics Book:Compressed Baryonic Matter in Laboratory ExperimentsB. Friman Ed.
2011Radiation Protection in Medical PhysicsAlessandra Caner Ed.; Yves Lemoigne Ed.
2011Probabilities, Causes and Propensities in PhysicsMauricio Suárez Ed.
2011New Structures for PhysicsB. Coecke
2011Mass and Motion in General RelativityLuc Blanchet Ed.
2011Localized States in Physics: Solitons and PatternsOrazio Descalzi Ed.
2011From Varying Couplings to Fundamental Physics:Proceedings of Symposium 1 of JENAM 2010Carlos Martins
2011From Gravity to Thermal Gauge Theories: The Ads/CFT CorrespondenceEleftherios Papantonopoulos Ed.
2011Advances in Power Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering SecondVinu V Das
2010Quantum Information, Computation and Cryptography:An Introductory Survey of Theory, Technology and ExperimentsF. Benatti
2010Polymer Characterization Rheology, Laser Interferometry, ElectroopticsKarel Dušek Ed.
2010Organic ElectronicsGregor Meller Ed.
2010Nonlinearities in Periodic Structures and MetamaterialsCornelia Denz
2010Nanotechnology for Electronics, Photonics, and Renewable EnergyAnatoli Korkin Ed.
2010Modern Theory of Gratings:Resonant Scattering: Analysis Techniques and PhenomenaYuriy K. Sirenko Ed.
2010Magnetism and Synchrotron RadiationEric Beaurepaire Ed.
2010Introduction to the Physics of Diluted Magnetic SemiconductorsJacek Kossut Ed.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 533
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